Blog 05-20-22

Adeptus Sprawiedliwi - Respected
Adeptus Sprawiedliwi - Respected
General Chamber of Commerce - Respected
General Chamber of Commerce - Respected
Armorless Union - Respected
Armorless Union - Respected

[Arknights] [NL-S-5] Challenge Mode ~ Near Light Event (no Thorns)

[Arknights] [NL-S-2] Challenge Mode ~ Near Light Event (ft. Ch’en Alter + Cardigan + Roberta)

[Arknights] Near Light Event - Full Unlocked [Info Port]

Tags Combination Check:

This combination gives me a random 5* Defender
Vulcan Potential 2
Vulcan Token
Vulcan Potential 3


 Vulcan S3M3

 Should I raise Vulcan potential to Pot 5?

 Available tokens so far

This is update version from First attempt of Annihilation 10.

[Arknights] (Annihilation 10) Dossoles Water Gate

[Arknights] (Annihilation 10) Dossoles Water Gate with Saria, Pallas, Gladiia, W, Skadi Alter and others:


Nightingale E1
Nightingale E1
Nightingale E2 promotion material
Nightingale E2 promotion material
Nightingale E2 speech
Nightingale E2 speech
Nightingale E2
Nightingale E2

 Link to playlist

[Arknights] [H7-1] Medicknights ft. Surtr

[Arknights] (Annihilation 1) Chernobog: Surtr + Medic Squad

[Arknights] [Contingency Contract] Looked-down Prison ~ Training Map

I came upon this café when looking for a location to work while on vacation. The drink is rather expensive because it is a luxury hotel, yet it is reasonable for a relaxing environment.

Orange Oolong Tea
Orange Oolong Tea
A look inside the cafe
Street view

 Address: VIAS Hotel, 179 Thùy Vân, Phường 8, Thành phố Vũng Tầu, Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu 790900, Vietnam